“I’m worried I won’t be able to speak”

Chewing gum stuck to bottom of shoe

I was working with a client recently on getting ready for an upcoming interview and she was worried she’d get stuck and not be able to get her words out.

This is a common enough sentiment among my interview coaching clients. I have also lived this experience, and now help others overcome their nerves and excel at interview.

Some ways to handle this:

1) Mindset – make sure your brain is working for you not against you

2) Have a plan of action in case this happens – like ask for a moment to gather your thoughts, or ask the interviewer to repeat the question until you have centred yourself again

3) Predict, prepare and practice interview questions.

If you know you aren’t strong at interviews and are on the look out for a new role – why not start preparing for interviews now? You will get ahead of your preparation, and when an interview does come up your future self will be very happy to have less preparation to do 🙂

I love working with people who are anxious about interviews and helping them overcome this and achieve their career goals. Check out my interview coaching package here if you think working together would be helpful…and check out a google review below from one of my recent clients.

“I highly recommend anyone who needs help with their CV, Cover Letter and interview prep to contact Cathy. A thorough professional, Cathy really took the time to go through my career history and understand the roles I want to apply for in order to build a fantastic CV and strong Cover Letter. Her interview prep is fantastic and it really helped me to go confidently in to a job interview which I’m delighted to say I was offered the job!” – Google Review

“I’m worried I won’t be able to speak”
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