Career Test

Take our Career Test

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The Career Report was developed by Cathy Balfe (owner of Career Coach Me). With a background in economics before retraining as a career coach, she wanted to use technology to gather and analyse key information from a client in advance of the coaching sessions. This enables clients to make more progress during the coaching session, as a lot of the information relevant for career choice is in front of us before we begin the coaching session.

The Career Report was developed to help individuals in choosing their career direction. The Career Report analyses an individual’s unique skills profile, understands their work values and the type of work they would like to do and creates a report summarising this key information.

Compared to most career tests that match individuals to potential careers, which try and categorize individuals into a “type”, our approach takes the full profile of skills, values and work type preferences into account. Furthermore, our Career Report gives strong insight into your career interests and motivations, an invaluable tool for clients to refer to during a coaching conversation or when putting their career change action plan into motion.

The Career Report comes up with a list of career suggestions, based on your skills, work type preferences and values. It does not take everything into account (e.g. work or education history). Some clients get inspiration from reading these suggestions, whereas other clients get more insights and inspiration from the exploratory conversation.

Sample Career Report

You can check out a sample Career Report below.

How to book?

Our Career Report is offered through the Career Report & Debrief session which includes a 90 minute 1-to-1 – you can read about this service by clicking the link below.

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