Feeling Stuck in your Career?

Chewing gum stuck to bottom of shoe

“I’m feeling stuck” or “I’m at a bit of a crossroads” are common statements from my clients during the initial (free!) 15 minute calls.

I know how it feels. One of my most significant career changes (for readers, there have been a few), was leaving economics after successfully completing a 4.5 year PhD in Economics from University College London and landing a prestigious job at the Bank of England.

I felt stuck. I was highly qualified to do something I no longer wanted to do.

I used to google “career change” and “leaving academia” to find similar stories of people for reassurance that there would be light at the end of the tunnel.

Well, I did it. Given that I loved being in a university environment and I really wanted a job where I felt I was helping people, I landed a job as a Careers Advisor (working largely with economics & finance students) at the University of London and successfully pursued yet another qualification (postgraduate diploma in careers education). I walked around the first 2 weeks in my new job with a big smile plastered on my face, slightly disbelieving that someone was paying me to do a job I loved so much.

So, if you’re feeling a bit stuck and want to explore options let me help! I’ve developed a Career Report & Debrief package that allows for huge progress and clarity about what you want from your career. Costing just €190 (€150) for students, my clients start off doing a 20-30 minute online questionnaire about their skills, work values and interests which get summarized into a 30 page report that forms the basis of a 90 minute discussion where we make huge progress in understanding your career motivations and come up with 5-10 exciting options for your future career.

You can find more information and the booking link for the Career Report & Debrief package here.

Feeling Stuck in your Career?
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