Europass CV Format
What is a Europass Curriculum Vitae?
A Europass CV is required to apply to some EU jobs. It’s also a strong option if you are in the market for a nicely formatted PDF CV template (and it’s free).
How do you make a Europass Curriculum Vitae?
A Europass CV is generated using an EU website where you create an account, add your details and click a button to generate a nicely formatted PDF CV that uses the standardized Europass CV layout.
What does a Europass Curriculum Vitae look like?
You can download a sample Europass CV below.
Step by Step Guide to Creating your own Europass CV
Here are the main steps to create one for yourself:
- Create Europass account here: EUROPASS (see screenshot 1 below).

2. Go to “My Europass” (screenshot 2).

3. Click “Create CV” (screenshot 3).

4. You have a few options at this stage. The easiest is to “Create New CV”, however if you are likely to be creating a number of versions of your CV it might be time saving in the long run to fill out all the details in your Europass Profile section, and then click “Start from your profile” – you will be able to select the relevant parts of your Profile to include and edit as you go (screenshot 4).

5. Fill out your details, including contact details, work experience, education, skills, etc. (screenshots 5 and 6). As with any CV, make sure you tailor your CV for the role you are applying for, showing evidence of the required skills. I also suggest using bullet points to break up long paragraphs of text for readability.

6. You have the option to add additional sections if relevant. This is quite flexible. (see screenshot 7).

7. Choose the template you want – you can choose between 3 options. All have a placeholder for a photograph – which is not standard for Irish or UK CVs typically (see screenshot 8).

8. Finally, you can download your CV in PDF form and save it locally to your computer. I also suggest saving it in your Europass Library so you can edit it in the future (screenshot 9).