Assessment Centre Tips

I wrote a LinkedIn post last year on some key Assessment Centre Tips after being one of the moderators of the UL Virtual Assessment Centre, and having seen what works and what doesn’t work for candidates. I went searching for this post to send to a client who has one coming up and thought it would be a useful post to have here on my website too. So, here you go!

Cathy Headshot

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My tips after acting as assessor for UL Careers Service mock assessment centres last week:

1) Read the job description and information provided in advance – demonstrate key skills they are looking for throughout the activities.

2) Your goal should not be to get the right answer – logical contributions are always good, but your goal is to demonstrate the skills.

3) Speak up. You might be very analytical and have strong contributions to make, but if you say nothing you will not get any marks.

4) The most memorable candidates are those that take on “leadership tasks”. These include timekeeping, summarising progress and bringing strategy.

5) Collaborate – a great way to do this is to invite quieter team members for their contribution.

6) Do not hog the limelight –If you are speaking more than others, take the opportunity to show your collaborative side by inviting others’ opinions.

7) Virtual etiquette – If you accidentally speak at the same time as someone (common in virtual discussions) have a quick go to like “sorry Emily, you go”. There should be give and take here.

8) Technical considerations – make sure your lighting is good, your background is not distracting, and people will be able to hear you.

After reading this…I have one last one to add. Try to make everyone in your group do well. Sounds counterintuitive if you are up against them, but they want to see you being a team player, and this is a great way to do this. Also, there is possibly more than one position going, and it will also make for a much more enjoyable assessment centre!

Assessment Centre Tips
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