Career Guidance for Leaving Cert Students
Career Guidance for Leaving Cert Students
I offer online career guidance services to Leaving Cert students across Ireland – including Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick and everywhere in between.
Many Leaving Cert students have access to career guidance from their school career guidance counsellor, but sometimes feel like they may need some additional support and guidance in making CAO decisions / future career decisions.
My Career Guidance services for Leaving Cert students are listed below. You can also book in for a free 15 minute enquiry call here to explore working together.
Career Report & Debrief – Leaving Certificate Students
- Career Report
- Career Report debrief – 90 minutes
- Cost €195
- More info
One Hour Add On Coaching
- 1 hour coaching session for continuing clients
- Cost €100
- More info
Resources that might be helpful
- Summary of key information around CAO applications: https://careercoachme.ie/cao-application/
- CAO Handbook: http://www2.cao.ie/handbook/handbook2023/hb.pdf
- CAO course search: https://www.cao.ie/courses.php
- See CAO points from previous years: https://www.cao.ie/index.php?page=points&bb=mediastats
- CAO points calculator: https://www.cao.ie/index.php?page=points_calc
- Further Education & Training Course Hub (FETCH): offers a range of lifelong learning courses to those over 16. Courses include Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses, Community and Adult education and Youthreach https://www.fetchcourses.ie/
- Apprenticeships: There are two main types of apprenticeships; craft apprenticeships (e.g. plumbing, electrical, carpentry, hair dressing, motor, construction) and new apprenticeships in other areas of industry (e.g. finance, ICT, insurance, recruitment, property, sales). You can explore options here: https://apprenticeship.ie/career-seekers/get-started/discover. There are 66 different types of apprenticeships available.